
Since 1948, AIESEC has been developing high-potential youth into globally minded responsible leaders.


Present in over 100 countries and with over 100,000 active members, AIESEC is the world's largest non-partisan, independent, not-for-profit organization completely run by young people between the ages of 18-30. AIESEC is in partnership with the United Nations for the Youth 4 Global Goals Initiative to mobilize youth to achieve the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. Its members are interested in world issues, cross-cultural understanding, leadership, business, entrepreneurship, management, and sustainability. 


Focused on providing a platform for youth leadership development, AIESEC offers young people practical experiences in challenging environments. These experiences center on cross-cultural exchange. AIESEC members participate in a global learning environment by creating international exchange opportunities for young people while working in teams and with a variety of stakeholders to actively run a business. Here is more about what we do:

  • Our members work to promote leadership internally and externally by creating and facilitating cross-cultural internship/teaching/volunteering opportunities for students all over the world.
  • Our members are part of an exciting, driven global network. They are able to interact with young people from all around the world and real business leaders every day.
  • We are supported by thousands of partner organizations around the globe who look to AIESEC to support the development of youth and to access top talent through our global internship program.
  • Our alumni are leaders within their organizations and communities. They use the experience, skills and inspiration AIESEC has provided them to be agents of positive change within today’s society.

What makes AIESEC unique is the youth driven impactful experience that it offers to its members. AIESEC is run by young people for young people, providing invaluable life-long skills and connections.


If you are interested in learning more about the club or joining, please fill out the AIESEC Interest Form below!


Contact Information

Ann Arbor, MI 48104
United States
Contact Email E:
Phone Number P: 773-494-7784
This organization has no officers.